Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
George W. Bush: The Case for his Impeachment
President Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury about his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Should not President George W. Bush be impeached for blatant lies behind going to war in Iraq? How long is it going to take for the average American citizen to realize that there never were any WMD's and absolutely no link between Saddam Hussein/Iraq and Osama Bin Laden/911. We are there because of Oil people. That's right, Texas tea. And to add insult to injury, Dick Cheney's Halliburton has received Billions of dollars worth of no bid contracts to fix everything we break over there. Talk about a racket. Cheney, Bush, Baker and Rove make the Mafia at their height look like a bunch of pussies. Excuse my French but I'm pissed off.
As long as the Bush Administration keeps wrapping their agenda in God and the American flag - the mindless sheep will continue to follow them. Get a clue idiots. Impeach George W. Bush. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
The 'I' Word
Sunday, May 29, 2005
The Outrage Disparity in Media Coverage
Here is another blatant example on the disparity of media coverage when it comes to liberals and conservatives. It is also another instance that dispels the tired notion that there is a "liberal". I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
" Media Matters ," week ending May 27, 2005 ... [Media Matters for America]
Friday, May 27, 2005
Give Rumsfeld the Pinochet Treatment, Says US Amnesty Chief
As I have told friends before, the world is only going to take so much of our shit before we the United States are the ones being investigated. If George W. Bush continues to be the arrogant, reckless, liar that he is, other countries and nations will quietly unite and plot to protect themselves from us! Considering we attacked a sovereign nation in Iraq that was no threat to us or his neighbors, do you blame them? Can't you see it's about the oil people? I guess we should listen to George and pass his Energy plan so that we can put billions of dollars into his friends pockets. Oh yeah, we can let Halliburton build all the new oil refineries. No need for them to go out for bid. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Give Rumsfeld the Pinochet Treatment, Says US Amnesty Chief
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Texas judge rules against DeLay treasurer
The treasurer of Tom Delay's political action committee broke the law by not reporting hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contribution. I wonder how much the (liberal) media will make of this. Yeah right. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it. | 05/26/2005 | Texas judge rules against treasurer of DeLay group
Tillman's Parents Are Critical Of Army
You know it was very patriotic and heroic for Pat Tillman to give up his NFL career to fight for the United States Army Rangers. The tragedy is that he died for a lie. He believed it and whoever voted for George Bush believed it. They believed that Saddam Hussein and Iraq were harboring Weapons of Mass Destruction and that they were linked with Al Quida, Osama bin Laden and 9/11. They saw Colin Powell speak at the United Nations. Colin had satellite photos and cool 3D renderings of 18 wheelers with James Bond like trailers complete with high tech, mobile chemical labs. But it was just another example of Wag the Dog.
So not only did Pat Tillman give up an NFL career to die for a lie. Once he got over there, his own Army shot him up and killed him. What a fucked up way to die. Adding insult to permanent injury, the Pentagon and the White House used Tillman's death as a patriotic marketing scheme to rally Americans behind another patriot. The White House & Pentagon lied to Tillman's parents, family and the rest of America about the cause of death for months until they could milk the story for all they could.
These people are ruthless. I feel sorry for you if you genuinely believe George Bush is a good guy and doing the right thing. If you believe that, I feel sorry for you and you are a fool. Sorry but you really have to be an idiot not to be able to see through these lies. Well the parents did not appreciate being lied to about the death of their son Pat by this Bush Administration. I did not even hear in the media that the parents had a beef with the White House. See how liberal that media is? So liberal it took the opportunity to remain silent on the parents being critical of Bush & the Pentagon. God help us. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Tillman's Parents Are Critical Of Army
Friday, May 20, 2005
Nostradamus and George W. Bush
If you ever read your horoscope, heard of Nostadamus or check out prophecy, you have to check out John Hogues predictions here at You can say it is for entertainment purposes if you want. I think it sounds more reasonable than what I see on the mainstream news. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Hogue Prophecy Archives
Bad Idea. Laura Bush to Make Solo Middle East Trip
President Bush went to the Georgian capitol of Tbilisi on May 10th and someone threw a live hand grenade about 100 feet from the podium he was speaking from. FBI agent Bryan Paarmann said that it "simply failed to function." Considering how hated the United States is thanks to G.W., I really do not believe it is a good idea for the First Lady Laura to go to the Middle East. Especially after all the Quran crap that has been going on. Oh yeah and let us not forget the little plane that just flew over the Vice Presidents home, Pentagon and CIA headquarters, ignoring fighter warning flares before it finally landed in PA. If something happens to her, G.W. and every radical right winger in this country will be calling for whoever harmed her to be nuked - plain and simple. Maybe that is what they want. A catalyst to kick off WWIII. The sacrificial lamb. Don't think I'm crazy. I wouldn't put it past them. This is big business people.
Those in power know that opinion poll numbers are low, negative and ugly for the President and GOP dominated Congress. They know they may possibly only have until 2006 to advance their radical, neo-con agenda. Karl Rove and Co. understand that Americans are onto their bullshit and they very well might lose the US Senate back to the democrats, and lose significant GOP House seats. That is why they are so anxious and desperate to have quick, dramatic, pro-right wing changes made in Social Security, immigration, bankruptcy law, energy policy, etc. I heard a local right wing radio host today say that the republicans have the majority and should walk all over the democrats and not apologize about it. He went on to say that we have to get these conservative judges confirmed now. Republican politicians would pay at the polls if they did not advance the conservative agenda. And the audacity of the right wing to complain about the (non-existent) liberal media. There is a very evil sense of urgency going on here. I wish Laura a safe trip but think it is a bad idea for her to go. It could fuck things up for us all. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it. Laura Bush to Make Solo Middle East Trip
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Galloway Video and MP3
If you were like most people, you were at work when George Galloway blasted the Oil for Food Senate Committee about taking money from Iraq in return for support in the Parliament. C-SPAN did not even show the testimony. Here it is in video and MP3 format. Scroll down and check it out. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Crooks and Liars
The Complete Galloway Testimony
Here is the complete testimony of George Galloway who testified before the Oil-For-Food subcommittee of the US Senate. If only members of the democratic party had such nuts. Well, we did have Howard Dean but the machine shut his ass down real quick just as soon as they saw him cruising to the nomination. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Daily Kos :: Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.
Something odd about the Newsweek story
Something seemed a little odd about the Newsweek story that supposedly triggered deadly riots in Afghanistan. First of all, stories have been out for some time about American & British soldiers desecrating the Quran. It makes no sense that little Newsweek blurb would "trigger" riots when it was old news. Secondly, it was odd that while Newsweek has been the center of the story, little mention has been made on what reporter and/or editor screwed up. I mean it was not just CBS that went down, it was Dan Rather. When the NY Times got in trouble it was because of Jayson Blair. Well here is the scoop on the controversial past of the writer. And this not the first time they have made of mockery of true journalistic integrity. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Media mum on Newsweek 's Isikoff's role in Clin ... [Media Matters for America]
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Demonizing News Media is Attempt to Divert Attention from Policy Failures
The title says it all. First CBS, now Newsweek. The right is always bitching and moaning about this myth we know as "The Liberal Media". There is no liberal media. If there were such a thing they would be having a field day with the constant stream of blunders from the Bush Administration. But the media does not question this administration, period. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it. Learn more here.
Demonizing News Media is Attempt to Divert Attention from Policy Failures
Halliburton: Houston, We Still Have A Problem
Prior to becoming Vice President, Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton. Halliburton has been winning no-bid contracts to rebuild Iraq and making a hell of a lot of money doing it. I'm Chaz Atlas. Learn more here:
Houston, We Still Have A Problem
The secret Downing Street memo - A smoking gun
George W. Bush and his circle of friends knew a long time before weapons inspectors even had a chance to step foot in Iraq that the US would be going to war in Iraq. Here is the secret British memo that is receiving zero attention in the "liberal" media. Imagine that. You would think that with the media being so damn liberal that they would have this memo plastered all over the place. Not a peep of it. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
The secret Downing Street memo - Sunday Times - Times Online
Galloway vs. The US Senate: Transcript of Statement
I almost cried hearing George Galloway of the British Parliament defending himself in Washington, DC against charges of profiting in millions of dollars in the so called U.N. Oil for Food Scandal. He eloquently told the harsh truth of who the real devils are in this right wing witch hunt. Read it. Forward it. Print it out and frame it. It was good to hear such eloquent truth on national tv. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Galloway vs. The US Senate: Transcript of Statement
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Pentagon lied about Pat Tillman Death
Here is another example of the Bush Administration and military covering up the truth and spinning a lie to the American people. It started with the over-hyped Pvt. Jessica Lynch. Many more lies later we now have this. I'm Chaz Atlas and That's How I See It.
Carlson: "I doubt anybody holds it against the ... [Media Matters for America]