Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
The Bush Budget: Mean as Hell
Friends. I hope every mother fucker in America can plainly see that King George is all about helping his corporate friends. His Rangers were those who could easily lay out $200,000 at fundraisers during his campaign. Those who could only raise $100,000 were demoted to Pioneer status. Well, his budget is a big thank you to his money friends.

Cuts all over the place to the working and middle class. He helped his corporate buds by making it harder for the little guy to receive substantial damages in Class Action lawsuits by moving them from state to federal court. And of course we must not forget he is about to seriously fuck up Social Security while again making his stock market beneficiaries real happy with all those new personal accounts. That's how I see it. Now you check it out.
A Mean Budget
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