Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Rep. Tom DeLay Took His Own Father Off Life Support in 1988
You know what a rat hypocrite is? Rep. Tom Delay of Texas. This "christian conservative" calls Michael Schiavo, Judges, Democrats, Doctors and anyone else "barbaric" that feels Terry Schiavo should be freed from her vegetative prison and go on to Glory. While he demonizes everyone he should look in the damn mirror. Tom refused treatment for his own father that could have prolonged his dad's life. Republican hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is on the March! I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
'L.A. Times': Rep. Tom DeLay Took His Own Father Off Life Support in 1988
A Closer Look at Republican Hypocrisy
The Republicans want it both ways when it comes to judicial activism. I think BushCo bit off a little more than it could chew this time around. If the democrats do not take advantage of the GOP's ideological greed - then fuck them too. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
MSNBC - Take a Look in the Mirror
The War on Iraq is nothing but a goldmine for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, James Baker, I can keep going. This is about $$ people. George W. does not care about the little guy or middle America. But you had millions of dumb asses vote for him anyway. Yes I said dumb. You have to be if you can't see right through the lies and deception. NEWSWEEK Magazine takes a closer inside look at the corruption. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
MSNBC - Follow the Money
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Republican Advisor Found Dead of Drug Overdose
Did you know that recently a Republican strategist died of a cocaine and Oxycotin overdose at actress Carrie Fisher's house? You didn't? I tell you, that liberal media has it in for republicans don't they? Front page fucking news if Bill were in office. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's the way I see it. Check out David Corn for the story:
David Corn
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
War on Iraq (I mean Terror) Two Years Later
It has been two years since we invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq. Since then when have no WMD's, no-bid contracts for Halliburton, deteriorating military recruitment, prison torture, diminished international reputation and respect, billions of taxpayer dollars spent, over 1,500 American troops and 100,000 Iraqi civilians are dead. All this just to say Hussein was captured and purple index fingers. That Iraqi election was handled by the same election producers that brought you Florida and Ohio right here at home. If the media was as liberal as the right wing says they would take the Administration to task for this fiasco as they did a blue dress in the possession of one Monica Lewinsky. Oh and whatever happened to investigations into Armstrong Williams and James Gannon, two of a growing list of journalists paid to promote an administration policy. Take a closer look at the hypocrisy in Iraq we face after two short years after the initial shock and awe. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Two Years On, The Occupiers Justify the War by Embracing the Irrelevant and Ignoring the Inconvenient
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Free Speech Impediment
My God, enough already! I just posted a link about BushCo produced propaganda. Here is a story on censorship. We are really getting fucked people. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
AlterNet: MediaCulture: Free Speech Impediment
Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged TV News
If you have read any of my postings you already know that I feel that President George W. Bush and his Legion of Doom are completely full of shit. Everything is staged with these people. Constant spin, big lies and a complete denial of truth and logic. How anyone could vote for this fucker is beyond me. Actually, I deep down I think he is an ok guy. But when you grow up a priviledged brat and then have a Dick Cheney for an Uncle - you end up being corrupted by default. No longer a candidate - George Bush is the two term Manchurian President. George Orwell, eat your heart out. Check out this link on how your President serves up fake news on a platter. The sad thing is, the "liberal" media and every other major media outlet report the same shit as news. That is why you can turn it on every single news show and get the same shit, basically verbatim. Just like how Gannon took White House press releases and reported them line by line as news. The republicans spin on the fake news? Take a wild guess. They are basically saying, "This is nothing new and something the Clinton administration was engaged in as well". That dog don't hunt friend. The Clinton team supplied raw video footage to media outlets for stories but not fake reporters with fake names and over-hyped pro-administration fake news. Check out the link. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
The New York Times > Washington > Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged TV News
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
The Bush Secret Tapes: Another Look
Remember the brief buzz that came out about the secret Bush tapes? A guy named Wead, an "old friend" of G.W. had secretly taped Bush back in 99 when they were having some candid political conversations. The basic spin from everyone after hearing the tapes was that George seemed to be a decent guy. George said if elected he wasn't going to jump on or discriminate against homosexuals or admit that he had smoked marijuana. Well, everything this White House does is scripted to give you a certain spin. So scripted it's disgusting. Take a closer look at the possible real motivation behind these tapes coming out. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Controversial 'Secret' Tapes Reveal Shocker: Bush Actually a Great Guy
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Swift Boat and Social Security
Social Security is in crisis. Bullshit. Or should I say Bush shit. The GOP front group SwiftBoat Vets, the same group that got an ungodly amount of undeserved news coverage over frivolous 30 year old Kerry accusations in the 04 presidential election are back in the news. This time they are attacking grandma and grandpa at the AARP. The right-wing SwiftBoat Vets are diverting attention from the debate of facts over Social Security by saying the AARP who is publically against the Bush SS plan has a secret agenda of promoting gay marriage. Jesus Christ. Talk about confusing and already confusing issue. That's right, the SwiftBoat Vets have jumped into the Social Security debate and brought gay marriage with them. What the fuck. Help us God. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it. Read more here:
Swift Boat and Social Security
Sex, Lies and Spies: This Isn't News?
Where is the fucking all-mighty and powerful "Liberal Media" at? Let's see, Congressional Hearings over Vince Foster and White Water but nothing on Armstrong Williams, Jeff Gannon and everything else these rats have gotten away with. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Sex, Lies and Spies: This Isn't News?
They Can March Too: Hezbollah and the Politics of Staged Protests
Freedom is on the march. My ass. Ever see the movie Wag the Dog? If you have not had the opportunity, do it asap. I swear you will say, "Oh, my God". Yes, BushCorp has this country fooled hook, line and sinker. Not me. And not you if you open your eyes to the truth. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
They Can March Too: Hezbollah and the Politics of Staged Protests
Senator Byrd is Correct to Equate Bush With Hitler
Bush + Rove = Hitler & Goebbels. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it. Check out this link!
Senator Byrd is Correct to Equate Bush With Hitler