Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Swift Boat and Social Security
Social Security is in crisis. Bullshit. Or should I say Bush shit. The GOP front group SwiftBoat Vets, the same group that got an ungodly amount of undeserved news coverage over frivolous 30 year old Kerry accusations in the 04 presidential election are back in the news. This time they are attacking grandma and grandpa at the AARP. The right-wing SwiftBoat Vets are diverting attention from the debate of facts over Social Security by saying the AARP who is publically against the Bush SS plan has a secret agenda of promoting gay marriage. Jesus Christ. Talk about confusing and already confusing issue. That's right, the SwiftBoat Vets have jumped into the Social Security debate and brought gay marriage with them. What the fuck. Help us God. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it. Read more here:
Swift Boat and Social Security
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