Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged TV News
If you have read any of my postings you already know that I feel that President George W. Bush and his Legion of Doom are completely full of shit. Everything is staged with these people. Constant spin, big lies and a complete denial of truth and logic. How anyone could vote for this fucker is beyond me. Actually, I deep down I think he is an ok guy. But when you grow up a priviledged brat and then have a Dick Cheney for an Uncle - you end up being corrupted by default. No longer a candidate - George Bush is the two term Manchurian President. George Orwell, eat your heart out. Check out this link on how your President serves up fake news on a platter. The sad thing is, the "liberal" media and every other major media outlet report the same shit as news. That is why you can turn it on every single news show and get the same shit, basically verbatim. Just like how Gannon took White House press releases and reported them line by line as news. The republicans spin on the fake news? Take a wild guess. They are basically saying, "This is nothing new and something the Clinton administration was engaged in as well". That dog don't hunt friend. The Clinton team supplied raw video footage to media outlets for stories but not fake reporters with fake names and over-hyped pro-administration fake news. Check out the link. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
The New York Times > Washington > Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged TV News
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