Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
George W. Bush: The Case for his Impeachment
President Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury about his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Should not President George W. Bush be impeached for blatant lies behind going to war in Iraq? How long is it going to take for the average American citizen to realize that there never were any WMD's and absolutely no link between Saddam Hussein/Iraq and Osama Bin Laden/911. We are there because of Oil people. That's right, Texas tea. And to add insult to injury, Dick Cheney's Halliburton has received Billions of dollars worth of no bid contracts to fix everything we break over there. Talk about a racket. Cheney, Bush, Baker and Rove make the Mafia at their height look like a bunch of pussies. Excuse my French but I'm pissed off.

As long as the Bush Administration keeps wrapping their agenda in God and the American flag - the mindless sheep will continue to follow them. Get a clue idiots. Impeach George W. Bush. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
The 'I' Word
Finally, someone who understands what is going on here...folks are walkin' around in collective denial...when will folks stop being embarrased by the mistake they made in "selecting" this man for president and speak up about the crimes that have been and continue to be committed by this administration?

You are so right. Religion is dangerous because it allow people to be manipulated too easily by anyone confession to be saved.

The only thing you are missing is Black Gold then Texas Tea
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