Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Something odd about the Newsweek story
Something seemed a little odd about the Newsweek story that supposedly triggered deadly riots in Afghanistan. First of all, stories have been out for some time about American & British soldiers desecrating the Quran. It makes no sense that little Newsweek blurb would "trigger" riots when it was old news. Secondly, it was odd that while Newsweek has been the center of the story, little mention has been made on what reporter and/or editor screwed up. I mean it was not just CBS that went down, it was Dan Rather. When the NY Times got in trouble it was because of Jayson Blair. Well here is the scoop on the controversial past of the writer. And this not the first time they have made of mockery of true journalistic integrity. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Media mum on Newsweek 's Isikoff's role in Clin ... [Media Matters for America]
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I agree.. I think the whole thing is a little strange... whatever happened to everyone respecting others?? Why should we respect the religion that kills others (in our present "enlightened" time period)just because they don't like their religious book? I think respect is earned. Yes, the descecrators weren't deserving of respect, but the revengers weren't either! I think the whole thing's nuts, and you probably think I am too, but that wouldn't be politically correct. : )
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