Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Bush's immigration proposal is unwise - Articles - THE AMERICAN RESISTANCE FOUNDATION
What made the United States great was our desire to be home to people from all over the world that wanted to experience the American dream. Well the American dream is turning into a nightmare. We are 20 years behind in addressing illegal immigration. As I have stated before, our troops need to be on our borders, not Iraq. George W. Bush blew a perfect opportunity in the hours after 9/11 to lock the borders down. But no. His proposals for "amnesty work permits" did nothing but provide a spike in illegal border crossings. 76% of democrats and 82% of republicans want real, tough illegal immigration policy. You would think that a former Texas Governor (GW Bush) would have a better grasp on issues like illegal immigration & oil/gas prices. You would think that the suckers who voted for him would put 2 and 2 together as well. I guess denial and spite is winning the war on truth. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Bush's immigration proposal is unwise - Articles - THE AMERICAN RESISTANCE FOUNDATION
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