Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Cindy Sheehan - Political Pawn?

Cindy Sheehan, mother of U.S. Marine and 24yo Casey who was killed in Iraq, has become the face of America that is tired of being in Iraq for a lie. Republicans have typically begun to attack her personally. As of 8/15/05, W has an approval rating of 42%. Lower than both Reagan and Clinton at the same point in their second terms. 54% of Americans believe that sending troops into Iraq was a big mistake. When the right-wing can’t argue with the message, they attack the messenger – in this case Casey’s mom Cindy.

In every single interview given, GOP politicians, pundits and network media have now began to say that Cindy is not genuine and just a pawn or tool for the likes of liberal, left-wing loonies, i.e. Michael Moore, and What is so pathetic and obvious though is that the same right-wing politicians and pundits never asked the parents of Terry Schiavo if they had become tools of right-wing groups like James Dobson’s Focus on the Family or Tony Perkins Family Research Council. What about the SwiftBoat Vets during the 04 Presidential election? Were they not conveniently used by the GOP to bash John Kerry? White House/Bush Co lawyer Ben Ginsburg was simultaneously working for the Bush re-election campaign and the SwiftBoat Vets which was illegal. He had to resign. But he also joined the ranks of Dick Morris and other smeared DC insiders to get commentating jobs on Fox and MSNBC. If the media was so liberal wouldn’t they be reminding the republicons that they did not seem to have a problem when Perkins and Dobson blatantly and shamelessly used Terry Schiavo for their own fundraising and PR agendas?

Call it short term memory or spite. Stop insulting my intelligence. Hypocrites.

I’m Chaz Atlas and that’s how I see it. - Politics - Bush Neighbor Allows Protesters on Land
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