Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Military Families Speak Out: Cindy Sheehan is Not Alone
You would think by watching the corp. media news that Cindy Sheehan was a lone nut of a mother, being manipulated by the likes of MoveOn.org, Michael Moore and everybody besides themselves that they blame for everything. Not true neo-cons. Now when Tony Perkins of the Hateful People Family Research Council invaded Florida on "behalf" of Terry Schiavo...now that was some serious manipulation. Meanwhile, back at the ranch. If CorpMedia told the truth they would find several families on site in Crawford, TX standing with Ms. Sheehan and questioning this War-for-Oil scandal. Since the networks won't point it out. I will. Check out this link. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Military Families Speak Out / Gold Star Families for Peace