Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Bush Met With Judge Roberts One Day Before Crucial Ruling on Guantanamo Military Tribunals

Here is a closer look at the history of Judge John Roberts. I have said before that I believe Roberts is quite simply the Bush Administrations Manchurian candidate. The Republicons have had their guiding hands on him since the early 80's. He is a pawn people. Right Wing politicians and media alike have gloated over the fact that democrats have a difficult time challenging his legal record because he has no "paper trail". No shit. Like everything the Bush machine produces, it is by design. I wouldn't doubt the adoption of his pristine kids as a public relations move. It completes his great American postcard picture as family man and father. Don't think im crazy. I said way before we went into Iraq that no WMD's would be found and I was right. I am right on Roberts being a bought and paid for pawn to right wing, extreme, radical republicans. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Democracy Now! | Bush Met With Judge Roberts One Day Before Crucial Ruling on Guantanamo Military Tribunals
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