Thursday, September 29, 2005
The Dumb Ass Media: Myths of New Orleans & Other Made Up Stuff
During the aftermath of Katrina, that Wednesday, the media started pushing a lot of stories of looting, raping and shots being fired at rescue helicopters. When I heard those reports, I knew the weren't true because they just did not make any sense under the circumstances -
The problem with the media is that they take whatever press release they get from an official or politician and don't ask any questions. Weeks later they want to report on how the stories were exaggerated. Who exaggerated them? The damn Bush Administration - who else? Why did they spread exaggerated rumors in New Orleans? They did it to change the headlines. And what were the headlines? That thousands had been stranded with no food, water or supplies. Bush & Co. were already late getting the troops organized so they had to change the news buzz. So called journalists today are either naive or in the back pockets of conservative newsrooms. Sometimes they are both. You ever notice the media is never skeptical of people anymore? They never look at the motives of the people they are investigating.
Think of all the times the media has gotten it wrong recently. Think of how many times they have been fooled by people, simply because they did not ask any of the right questions when they were initially reporting. Think of how many stories they have done weeks or months later about not getting the story right in the first place. Let me refresh your memory: Susan Smith, The Runaway Bride, Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch, No WMD's, No Iraq/9-11 connection, No Ben Laden-Hussein connection, Mission accomplished, The Atlanta Court House killing, I can go on forever. The rumors came from the Karl Rove propaganda machine. Don't you get it yet? This White House manipulates the media with fake news stories all the time. Just ask Armstrong Williams and Jeff Galloway. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it.
Fear Exceeded Crime's Reality in New Orleans |