Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
How many more Mike Browns are out there?

Here is an in-depth look at some more of the political hack appointments Bush has made. It is ok for elected officials to appoint friends and associates to positions. But at least see to it that they have the experience and smarts to actually do the job. Bush seems to just want to appoint lawyers who can find ways to make money through procurement for his friends and supporters. The American middle class and blue collar workers are getting assaulted by Bush's cronie friends. The pharmaceutical industry, oil industry, no bid contracts, Halliburton, developers, financial institutions and so many more have made a ton of money with their boy in the White House. It's all about the money. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it. - How many more Mike Browns are out there? - Sep 26, 2005
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