Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Idea for Democrats in 2006: Midterm Convention

America should do itself a big favor and reject the GOP republican majority Congress in 2006.

Republicans are too radical, i.e. - Terry Schiavo.

Republicans are too wreckless, i.e. - War in Iraq.

Republicans are too gullible, i.e - WMD's and the Bin Laden-Hussein link.

How about hypocritical? This GOP Congress salivated at the notion of impeaching a President - Bill Clinton, for a personal affair in the office. The republicans were upset because Bill lied about his affair "under oath". Big fucking deal. You hear nothing from them about investigating their own damn party. Republicans set the stage with investigation into frivolous issues like Monica and White Water. That is why they look so fucking stupid trying to defend their own party for extreme abuses. Think about the severity of actions by George Bush, Karl Rove, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Dick Cheney, Paul Bremer, Scooter Libby, Mike Brown, Jeff Gannon..(phew - there are more.) What about the Downing Street Memo? No WMD's? No Bin Laden. We are suffering with high gas prices, a huge deficit, low military enrollment, failure in Iraq, diminished international regard and respect, a major racial divide, out of control evangelicals - enough is enough.

Give the democrats a shot again in 2006. In 2006 and 2008, my conscious will not let me vote for any democrat that gave Bush authorization to go into Iraq. So as much as I like you Joe Biden, John Edwards and Hillary Clinton - you gave Bush the power and thus I can't back you if you run for President. There simply was no credible evidence to give Bush the authority to go into Iraq. Now the once shining city on the hill is dirty and corrupt thanks to Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, James Baker and your democrat vote.

With such consequential issues on the table, the democrats might do themselves some good by having a mid-term election convention. If they did it right, it could be a good opportunity to point out how much of an utter, complete, corrupt and miserable failure this George W. Bush Administration has been. I think the biggest insult of all is the fact that Bush stole the election in both 2000 and 2004.

I think the major platforms should be - 1) An Immediate but incremental withdrawal from Iraq. 2) Combat Illegal Immigration. 3) Fight corruption & fraud. That is a start. Keep it short, sweet, fair and timely. I'm Chaz Atlas and that's how I see it. See you in Congress.
Idea for Democrats: Midterm Convention
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