Chaz Atlas: How I See It.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
What Has Happened to America's Jesus?

Right Wing, Republican, Fundamentalist, Christian, zealots. During the 40s, 50s and 60s, their Christian duty was to make sure the races didn't mix. You know, that Strom Thurmond, David Duke type of Christian. During the Reagan years their main rallying cry was the fight against abortion. They still line up in front of elementary & middle schools showing pictures of dead fetus. They ask, "What would Jesus Do?" Jesus wouldn't be standing outside a friggin abortion clinic holding a pic of a dead fetus!

During the 90's it was the War on The Gays. Today it's gay marriage, Terry Schiavo and the War on Christmas. So naive and so fucking wrong. These zealots vote on the most irrelevant shit and then turn around and complain because their manufacturing job has been shipped overseas and now they can't get even a little side job because those gigs are snapped up by illegal immigrants. Go pray for Natalie Holloway or something. I'm Chaz Atlas and I'm sick of these fake ass christian hypocrites who love war so much.
What Has Happened to America's Jesus?
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